Hello Everyone….
Well it has been a while since my last update. We have had a lot going on !
This past fall, we have had both an aunt and uncle pass, not on the same side. One on my mom’s side and one on my father’s side.
My uncle’s death was sudden and unexpected as he had a terrible accident. I still think of their family often ! The only good part that came from it , is that I was able to spend some time with family I have not seen in some time and that was nice. Too bad it wasn’t under better circumstances.
So they are all in our prayers! Please know we are thinking of you !
As you know..for us here in Mn, the Mn State Fair at the end of Aug – Labor day weekend is the BIG GRAND FINALE of summer! So we did enjoy a day there.
This last weekend we spent at the lake doing some winter clean up and prep and getting my parents new pontoon boat in storage for the first time and arranging all the things that come with that. It was a short trip…but we got A LOT done !
We have also been busy…..keeping up with her little Kitty Josie and remembering what it is like to have a UNTRAINED Kitty in the house. I kid and ask my older..wiser Cat Jazzy to please explain the HOUSE RULES to her! But she is a cutie and keeps us on our toes ! She is a nice addition… just wish she would slow down a bit ! But she is a great play mate for Jazzy and thus is one of the reason we got her ! So Jazzy would have a play mate. Boy do the two of them have some fun together ! Although… she sure tires out our older Cat.
I have to say…after all the running , weekends away and unexpected events. I am near toast and becoming tired. I dread the fact that I have several items to cut down and a garden to dig up before winter comes ! I often wonder how I will get this all done when I add children in the mix !
I am still having headaches/ migraines in the mix and trying to deal with those as they come up. Not fun…. that’s for sure.
Jes has been working for the time being..but the future looks grim come winter, since winters are a bad time anyhow !
We have been enjoying time with our newest member of the family Aiden.. in which I am sure you have seen my MANY pic’s.
We have another cutie on the other side as well, Parker..but it’s been a few months since we have even seen them. So if I get a few cute pic’s I will most uncertainly share those as well.
I need to prepare for my fall card exchange at work that is coming next month all ready! So I will share those cards after the exchange.
Well….. that’s the lasted. I could type a book…but duty calls….. always something to get done and a deadline to meet ! So I am off…until next time.