Sunday, June 12, 2011

15 months of Fun

This is our newphew Aiden at 15 mons. He is getting sooo cute and so fun. He was playing with his truck and ball in Auntie and Uncles front yard on my Birthday ! :) Little Ham ....

From Hubby...

Here is the latest Addition to my Coach Collection of Purses ! This was my Birthday present which I have to say I love. It is soooo cute ! Thanks Honey for the purse! :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I joy = relax!!

Here is my I JOY CHAIR... ahhhhhh...

I had to share what my wonderful Hubby got me ! What is it ? JOY..for me and him tooo. It is a message chair. It gives you a great back rub ! There are soooo many days and nights my back is just sooo tight and this really helps and will also help increase my quailty of life with not a tight and painful back. Also to relieve stress and it is great ! I first tried this out at a scrapbooking retreat and a few years later I now have one !!!

Thanks honey I just LOVE it !

Saturday, June 4, 2011

My Birthday Friends !

Okay... here are my NEW friends !Earlier at a craft show I got this adorable grass hopper ! RIGHT..

He wasn't cheap but soooo worth it ! So when we went to the gift shop at the lake I found him some friendsMiss...Bumble Beeee....
Last but not least...this dang cute dragon Fly....

Thanks to My Mom for buying these for my Birthday a bit early !!!

I just LOVE THEM !!!!!!!!!

SuMmer IT up with FLowErs !!!

These are just a FEW of my flowers..but my Iris's are starting to open and I just love them so I wanted to share with you !!!

Happy Summmmmmer !