Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It was SUMMMMMER in Mn...even if it was for a day or two!

It was summer in MN... Mother Nature wanted to tease us and boy did she ever !!!
We had summer for a few days....! Boy was it nice and gosh did I ever need it ! :) :)
Yesterday I went to the store in SHORTS and SANDLES... in March in Minnesota. That is UNHEARD of.
We EVEN broke RECORDS with a day time temp of 81 degree's. We all could not believe it.
It was actaullly HOT outside when my friend and I at work just HAD to get outside and get some of that warm sun on our faces. So we ran outside for our afternoon break. It felt sooo great to break out of the building and enjoy the outdoors and warm weather. Even if it was for a little bit.
Alll weekend we had the windows open and the warn fresh breeze was feeling the house. It was great. I loved it ! But now it will be raining and colder the rest of the week. At least we got a few wonderful days. Jes and I soo enjoyed it !
We have our engagement pictures this weekend and another Birthday. This time it is Payton's Birthday. So again... we have a busy weekend. They say its going to be a bit chilly. But I HOPE and PRAY for warmer temps. Since our engagement pics will be outside on Sunday !
Well I better run for today !!!
Everyone.. I hope you are having a great week!!!!!!!

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