Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Friday.... isn't sooo good for me today.

I sure wish I had some of these in my yard !

Happy Good Friday to all -

I hope that we all can reflect on what this day means. It maybe be nothing to you and alot to someone else.

I hope this post finds all my friends, family and loved ones doing well.

I have to admit, its not been a good day for me. I woke up this morning with a terrible headache. Which has only gotten worse. It's been a busy day at work, and I have a million things to do tonight, on top of not feeling well. Plus I am a bit heartbroken. I found out today my Grandfather will be unable to join us for the Easter holiday. Which saddens my heart. I was soooo looking forward to seeing him and visiting with him. I don't get to see him and visit with him as much as I would like to or want to. I need to start making it a must do and take the time.

Please keep my Grandfather in your thoughts and prayers! As he is a special part of our family and we would like it to remain that way!

I hope the Easter Bunny is good to you all ! :) I hope the sun is shining on all of us and in our hearts as well.

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