Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hi Everyone -

Well it is Tuesday already... my last post was Friday.

It has been a busy weekend and looking like a busy week this week as well.

For the first time in my life, I now have allergies. This is all new to me.
I have been, having a hard time with it. Alot of headaches, stuffy nose, both ears are plugged up.. you name it. I have been taking allergie med's daily, some days are better then others. Some days I feel like it is working and other days I don't think it works at all and I feel just terrible. This has been going on for a while now.. for well... almost 2 months. I just don't know when I will get over this or when it will go away. But let's just say I am MORE then ready for them to be over with. Right now as I type. I am on break, at my desk at work. I am feeling very dizzy and I am not sure why. But I am assuming it might have something to do with the allergies.

Anyhow. I have been not feeling well and also tooo busy to post much !

Sorry all !

I hope you all have a wonderful Mother's day. Because you are a Mother, or spend it with yours.
Mine was a great one. I spent mine with 3 Mother's and my Grandmother as well.
First it was a stop at Jesse's parents and then to my parent's for a BBQ.
It was great to see everyone and a bonus to spend some much needed time with my lovely grandparents.

I hope you all have a good week !

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