Sunday, June 17, 2007

Hats OFF to all the DAD's Today

Happy Father's day !
Here are some flowers I got yesterday at the Farmers Market in Mpls. We had a ball.. we had a full load of us going down there.
Well this is toooo alll the DAD'S!!!!!!!!
We love you all, thanks for all you have done for us.
This is YOUR day. I hope you are able to enjoy. Have a super day.
We all have dads,
Some good, some bad.
Some here, some passed on.
Some we see, some we don't.
Some we know, some we don't.
Some that mean alot to us, other we wish they did.
Some that except us, other's that deny us.
Whatever you dad is, or isn't to you today. None of us would be here without him. So let's give thanks for that.
I know I have some special DAD's in my life. So I am going to be celebrating this day with them !
Again Happy Father's Dad to not only to the Dad's in my Family, but the ones that are friends and to all Dad's out there.

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