Monday, November 5, 2007

Hello !

Well Fall is here !

You can feel it in the air, can't you ? It is getting chilly this week.

Well my weekend started out pretty bad but ended up okay. I started out Friday night with yet another migraine, and this one was really bad. Not a MOMENTof sleep. In fact at 3am I was hurting so bad I was literally in tears. I just didn't know what to do with myself.

Sat, or most of the weekend Jes and I worked outside. There is sooo much to do when your a home owner. Fountains to take a part and store, flowers to trim, a few weeds to pull, patio stuff to put away.
ALOT of Halloween decor to put away and put out a few Fall items. A pond to take down and fish to carefully move into the house. The timing and temperature in a move is EVERYTHING. Just soo much.
But together my Hubby and I got it all done.
Sat night we took a trip to Plymouth to adore my Aunts new townhouse. This the first time she is a home owner and she is loving it. We are soo happy for her and so please. Her townhouse was in MOVE IN condition and VERY clean. So that was a total plus !
Sunday again was more outside things and then we ended the day at my parents house for a yummy Turkey Dinner. Can't turn down that! Yum YUM...! So this weekend we got alot done. It is a nice feeling to have the yard all done and ready for winter.

How did you spend your weekend ? What did you do ? Did you take some time and enjoy the nice weather and some time outside ?

Now this week we have another busy weekend coming...many things to celebrate ! This month is a busy one for us !

Hope you all are staying warm on this dark and glummy fall day.


MNScrapbookmom said...

Nice Pic... All my outside stuff has been done for a few weeks now. I got mine finished while it was still warm out. :) Work was well... work. I am off to bed. Going out of town for a funeral in the morning. ¥

MNScrapbookmom said...

I forgot to congratulate Cathy on her house. I am not sure if she reads your blog, but buying a house is a BIG deal. Qualifying, waiting, waiting, and waiting some more. Trying to find a house that meets your needs, and that you can afford. The worst is the waiting...and telling your lender everything about your finances. Its almost like an interrogation. Best of Luck to Cathy. I know she will love being a homeowner. It's such a HUGE personal accomplishment.¥