Friday, March 28, 2008


FINALLLLLLLLLY.... Friday is here....

This week, it seemed like a long time coming. It has been a long week. I never thought Friday was going to come. But I am happy to say it is here.

This weekend I am going to try and be creative again. So if it works out well. I will take pic's and post them for all to see. I have some chores to do as well... so I am going to try and sneak those in.
But tomorrow I am looking forward to spending some time with my Sis! She is coming up to stamp with me. I also have a card exchange in April with my co-workers. So I hope to get a plan for those cards as well. I also am running low in a few area's. So I am hoping to make some real progress this weekend. Also if we EVER get SPRING... then my stamping will come to a halt as I will be outside enjoying myself, and working in the yard. We of course already have some projects planned.

What will you be doing this weekend ? Anything fun and exciting ? Whatever it is, with whomever it is. Enjoy yourself!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

OMG....N.K.O.T.B is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New Kids on the Block !!!
So........... what was your favorite band or singer when you where a teenie bopper ? Who was your heart throb?
Well in the last 80's and early 90's I was a N.K.O.T.B. fan! I LOVED these guys. While most ADORED Jordan for his looks and spunky personality or Donnie for that BAD BOY side. My favorite was Jon. The cute, quiet, shy, a bit more reserved New Kid. He was not the fave among most but that was fine with me!!! I remember as a young pre-teen and teenager watching and going to see them in concert.

Blasting their songs every where we went!!! Even my mom liked the guys !
Well when I was thinking of doing a post of your OLD TIME FAVORITE young POP band.. whom was the VERY FIRST to pop into mind but these cuties.

I have been under alot of stress and not feeling well. One day on my way to leave the house I went to grab for a cd to put in the car to listen to on the way. As I browsed through my collection on the very bottom I saw N.K.O.T.B. I immediately crabbed it. Popped it in the car and played it nearly full blast on the way into work at 6am in the morning. It was sooo funnnn... their was just the shot in the arm I needed that day. I was bopping to the music and singing my old time favorite News Kids songs on the way to work. Other motorist's might have thought I was on drugs as they drove by me..but it was dark.... and I didn't care !

Call me a DORK all you want ...but I LOVED it and it was great....! The music is catchy and it made me feel good and that is all that matters.

When I was looking for a pic to add to the blog I found an article that said the band was getting back together. It was said to be so on Jan 2008 of this year. They have their own website back up for business at
I also found a myspace page for them... wow.. here is the link for that as well.

Sooooo who is your all time favorite old band ?
Are you ashamed to admit it ? Where you toooo a NKOTB lover like myself ? If not who did you totally admire, adore and get googly eyes over ???? Maybe you should dig out their old music and pop it in.

It is good for the soul. Let me tell ya !!!

That's all for me tonight ! See ya

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Is this Classic or what ?

I have this framed and in my house....

I just love the classic, fun, old look for this pic. I was thinking it would be fun to make a scrapbook of old pic's like this. I am going to have to get some more and do that!!

But not only is this pic classic... at least in style and to me. But it is my Grandparents when they where much younger....! There is just something special about this pic that calls out to me.

Ahh life was so much different then and so much different for them. Now in their 80's they have been through and seen some much change ? But I often wonder if someone might look back on the old days and like them better then 'todays' world.

Yes we have MORE conveniences and things are faster and things have become so modern...

But even with all of those things.. I wonder if the 'REAL' quality of life was better. It was for sure different, I can tell you that. People, friends, family, neighbors really knew one another. They really cared for another.. they really helped each other out. It was surly different times then. But they didn't
have the material things to complicate life, while they worked hard, their health was better. They made things fresh and by hand. They did not have fast food and pesticides on all of their food. They didn't know what a preservative was.

Anyways.. this pic... got me inspired a bit as well as thinking....

Other then the stories my Grandmother and Grandfather have shared.

I wonder what life was like back then ! Sometimes it fun to wonder and imagine.

Monday, March 24, 2008

A new week !

I hope you all have a nice Easter.

It was a busy one for us, we stopped in Coon Rapids, then Ramsey and then Brooklyn Park.
But it was nice to see the family as always. Each day is special. One never knows how long we have, so it is good for us to spend time with Family. It means alot to me.

I know I talk about it all the time. But I am sooo wishing it was warmer here.

This morning on the radio, the weather man said this same week last year we had 3 hot days.
One day with 64, one day with 71 and one day with 81. I also wrote on my calendar from last year at work that I wore sandals to work. I don't think any of those will be happening this week much less before the end of the month. Which I sooo badly need. I need to get outside and get going in the year and not be trapped in my house.

I hope this Spring and year brings many new things.

Hope you all have a good week.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturday Night Fun

Well it was another snowy day. But we went to Patio town to determine and get prices for our summer projects we will be tackling.

Okay so I have been feeling soo tired and getting alot of headaches again. So I try and do something fun to take my mind off things. So this snowy Sat. night I made some cards. Here they are......

These are a little bit different. I like to mix them up a bit.
Here is an up close pic so you can kinda see the detail.
Here is a pile of them I made !

Happy Easter allllllllllllllll !

Friday, March 21, 2008

Isn't he a cutie chicky ?

I came into work this morning...
What did I find ?
This cute little chicky on my desk.
I had not gotton a great night of sleep and I was a bit tired this morning. So when I got to work and saw this adorable guy on my desk it gave me just the smile I needed.
I hope you all have a very....
Happy Easter

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy SPRING all !!!!

Well it is OFFICAL... MARCH 20th ....
It is the first day of Spring....
While it has warmed up a bit. It would still be nice if it would get up to the temps that normally it should be this time of year... We are nearing April soon. I don't know about you... but I am MORE then ready for spring.
Hope you all are having a good week !

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Ahhhh today...

What is today ? For us kids here in the state of Mn, its another winter day. Yet a bit warmer.. more depressing..miserable snow in the forecast. I don't know about everyone else. But I am soo tired of this weather. It is a total downer for me. The warmth and the sun shine is WAY over due in my book.

I've had alot going on... alot of my mind and not feeling so hot myself and trying desperately a way to hang in there. A way to survive it all. Which in it self is not an easy task, not at least for me.

Sure.. we all have challenges.. we all have bad things happen and we all have FULL plates and many items to juggle on those plates. But there are times you find yourself..asking questions.
Hard questions, right now I have alot of those questions, these are big questions, ones that will change my life. Ones that I need to make to improve my life and quality of it. But with these questions and decision's comes its fair share of stress, uncertainty, among other things not so fun, and of course the questions.. what next, and HOW do I do it. Where do I start ? It is also something that is ALWAYS... easier SAID THEN DONE. Easy for others and myself to say do this or do that. Not so easy however for the actual task to be completed. If it is completed. There is much time and research and work then needs to be done in order to make sure the changes and decisions are sound ones for me and fits my needs.

Ahhhh today... I am blessed with sooo much, yet there are many other parts of my life that need a COMPLETE over haul.... the time is coming more quickly now then before and that is not as fun either. The time limit is shorter.

Friends and extended family... please keep me, as well as my family in your thoughts and prayers. As I do my best to figure out what is right for me and how to make it happen successfully.

Ahhhhhhh that's all from me today............

Just another day in this thing we call life...... I know God must have a better and bigger plan for me

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patty's Day to you allll...... If you are going to be on the roads and out drinking to celebrate please be careful everyone!

I am not Irish..but I know people that are and this is a fun day for them. Soooo if you are one of those people have a blast and be on the look out for the cops... they are me I have seen a bunch already just on my way home from work.

Tonight I hope to get many things done....

My hubby is with his work buddies at the Wild Game tonight. His work has tickets so he will be enjoying some Male Bonding time I am sure ! Go WILD !!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Friday night progress !

So last night I was working hard... I got one possible Easter card created... with flowers with glitter... put patterned paper, ribbon, a cute bunny and the back ground with my cuttlebug ! Also a pink jem for the eye on the bunny. It looks cutier in person. The glitter doesn't show to well on here.

Over here I made 8 Easter baskets last night....
I made 4 for some special kids I know and 4 for co-workers on my team. I always try and do something fun for the bigger holidays.
Today I hope to get some chores done as well as my Hubby and to also turn ALOT of cards out !!!
I am also please to say that Jes worked nearly all week this last week... Yippy. We are not sure that he will work this week or not..but hey..we will take what we can get.
This weekend I hope he will get some more down in the basement since this last week he was working and didn't do anything downstair because he had hurt his ankle and after a long day at work he need to stay off of it at night....!
Enjoy your weekend all !!!!!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

I hope the ideas are flowing !!

Hi Everyone.. wow it is already Friday and my last post was Monday. I had meant soo many times this week to post. It just did not happen. I even had things to post about.

Well this weekend... my toooo do list is long..but what else is new..right! I am hoping to multi-task very well and get ALOT accomplished ! Wish me luck please. I might need it.

This cute Bunny is just ONE of my many Easter decor, he is sooo cute so I just wanted to share him with you all. Here is a big stack of paper that I hope to use to turn into some cute cards..... I am getting VERY low on a few different occasions so I need to get my stock back up.
Well like I said... I hope the idea's are flowing.. Like I said I want to make normal cards, Easter cards, and do something fun, cute and creative with these plastic eggs. I am hoping for some major inspiration will come my way and idea will pop into my head !!!

I hope that you all have a good weekend... in between my house hold chores and I am going to try and take my stress, and anxiety and so something fun and use the other side of my brain this weekend. I just HOPE nothing else pops up and takes my time away.

Hope you all have a super weekend... whatever you have planned... if I get something done I will try and post pic's to share!

later alllllllllllllll

Monday, March 10, 2008

Reason To Celebrate !!!

We have reason to Celebrate .........
(((HUGS)))) to out to my Sister and Brother In Law.
They are going to be having a baby in Oct. They are first time parents and this will be sooo exciting for them.
Jes and I will be an Aunt and Uncle for the first time !!!
it will be fun to have a baby in the family !!! We will have to keep an eye out for fun items for them over the summer.
I will be sure to keep you all updated !! We do not know if it will be a boy or girl.. it is way to early for that. Thus why my post is in blue and pink.. hehehehe!!!
So Jes and I just wanted to wish them all the best in their new, fun and exciting experience this will be for them both. Take care Mommy and Daddy !!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Don't Forget to Turn those CLOCKs

Don't forget tonight to turn your clocks ahead..spring forward. So we will get an extra hour of ligght each night. Which will be nice for sure. It will not be soo nice to lose an hour of sleep however... even more so since I did not get a good night of sleep last night. I am still fighting my migraine just a bit as well. It has been a rough week with that !!!

It is going to warm up next week..Yipppppy !!!

Have a super weekend all.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Is SpRiNg ever coming ?????

Is Sprng ever coming ????
March 20th is offically the first day of spring. Yet when I look out my window sil... I sure see an awful lot of snow yet and them temps don't seem to be warming up much either !!

Don't forget this weekend is also DAY LIGHTS SAVING time... we turn out clocks a head... so that will be nice... it will stay a bit more light out at nice. Although I have to admit I have been noticing already it has been not so dark as early as the winter. That indeed is nice.

Well.... what are you 5 favorite things about spring ???

Here are mine in no special order ;

1. Watching, waiting and seeing all my flowers bub and bloom and see how big they will get.
2. Buying and panting new items for my yard.
3. The fresh, warm clean air and the warm sun on my face.
4. The children running and playing outside with the excitement of the coming summer.
5. Attending the farmers market again to get fresh, non toxic fruits and veggie that taste sooo good !

What are you favorite things about Spring ?
What things or items do you enjoy ?
What things are you ready to say good bye to for winter ?

Hope the week is going well for you all !

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

ProGreSs !! Yippy.......

Our Basement Bedroom....
Here is what our bedroom looked like after tap,mud, and the ceiling was done and painted. I then started to paint the rest....
The room is a light brown color and a teal color... I love it. I saw it in a painting book. I liked it and wanted to do the same. The white circles you see are white 4in can lights.
I wanted to take a pic of the paint job..only to find out my hubby did some touch ups and put some more mud on the wall. Where the paint comes to a stop we will have white chair rail that will cover that.

It is going to start to be a room. We still have trim and doors to get and such....and a wood ledge on the wall with the window as well. But it is finally becoming more then just studs !! yippppppy... I can't wait to do more.

We have been working hard and it is nice to see it starting to at least look like something... this was our was yours ?