Tuesday, July 15, 2008

DO you SUFFER ????

Do you ever SUFFER from acid tummy aches ? From heart burn ??? These are common items that I am a custom to very often. Well tums doesn't always do it and neither does a few other over the counter items. So while I am on a new med from the Doc.. and I am waiting for it to kick in... I have this to help. A Co-worker turned me on to this and after it worked like a charm a few times she got me a bottle. It is over the counter. It was only 4.50 here and I am told it can be bought at Walmart and Walgreens.

I hope this might be able to help you as well if you need a good anti-acid. It sure helps me alot.

1 comment:

MNScrapbookmom said...

Thanks... I could use this. ¥