My Hubby and I spend our money wisely....
We make smart purchases and knowlegdable ones.
With the prices of things these days you almost have to.
We rarely throw our money away on misc items.
I am always looking for deals....
We also spend alot of our money on putting up grades into our home. Wether it is big or small. Latley we have done a few smaller ones...
Here is a new storm door. I have wanted one forever.. we just never got around to it with the busy summer. But we found a steal.
As shown it has a screen, but it also has a full glass panel for winter. I love it. It is sooo nice to have the front door open.
We have always hated our Kitchen handles. But they came with the house... again.. there are other things that we would spend money on and they are functional..although they are ugly. But again we found a steal. These days most handles cost anywhere from 3.00 to 15.00 each. Well we have 31 of them so that is not cheap..But we found a steal...
Here are the upgraded more modern handles..... much better improvement.
Another steal..... a 44.00 purse.. I got it for 3.00. LOVE IT......! Does that say summer or what ???
My last steal for the week.... pop..normallllly 4.00 a 12pk. I got it for a $1.22.
It feels great to find steals and deals.....
It is also fun to do things here and there to do upgrades to our home! We have many things to do yet..but one deal and steal at a time. Or at least where we can.
Night night all !
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