Saturday, January 24, 2009

New and Scary..but Heatlhy

Hello -

Some fellow Bloggers and Friends Pick a Word for each year. So my word for 2009 is Healthy !

While sometimes a bit scary... I am going to do it and take the PLUNG!

Becoming healthy for me this week includes taking a new medicine for my Diabetes. While it has nothing to do with controlling my blood sugars. It does prolong the bad side effects this disease does to my body and organs. But at a 100.00 a month it is not cheap. So I hope the rewards, out weight the high price tag. It is new to the market I guess. Infact the Pharmacist at my local Target had to read the directions with me.

Here is the "Pen" the medicine is in.
Why is this scary for me ? Because it involves needles and shooting my self twice a day. Well I hate needles. So this will not be a easy transition for me. But I have faith in myself that I can do it.
Besides just new meds for this year. I will also be doing other things to be come a healthier ME. For my mind, body, health, spirit and everything all together.
Wish me Luck !!!
I hope all my friends and family have a healthy 2009 as well !
Please take care of yourself!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow... quite the steps here. Glad that I read it on your blog, or I wouldn't have known.