Thursday, August 6, 2009

Share & Tell

Hey everyone.. WOW where has the week even gone ? I have to say.. now that I am not working I wonder how I got everything done when I was. It has been a very busy summer. My nearly 2 1/2 months so far of being laid off has not left me with much down time at all. Everyone keeps asking if I am bored yet and things. Please... I wish I was... I still have soooo much I need to do yet around the house and things. Hard to believe it is already Aug. WOW... well just a few things to share....

Below is a pic of one of my all time faves.... my Lilies.. wow ... this was a few days ago and now I have 5 of them and still I am waiting on 3 more huge blooms. These are right by my front step and I just can't get over their beauty.

Here is just one of my pots on my back deck. Usually these guys get fried and die on my most years. But this summer has been a bit cooler and they are just going wild. Ahhhh the simple pleasures, huh !!!
And here is its... my new passion and experiment for this year. My veggie garden... This is my first year with it and wow... this is also really coming to bloom. we have a party to attend to..tonight so I was only able to spend a short amount of time out there this afternoon and look at what I brought in with me........... YUM YUM YUM.. I love veggies and even more so that they are all naturally grown in my own yard with no chemicals to put into our bodies... what could be better. I will share these with family this weekend.
There is more to pick but time did not allow. Speaking of time.. I must run. Hope you all have a great weekend.

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