Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy Frozen New Year !!

Hello and Greetings from a very Chilly -18 below, Mn winter !I hope you all had a very Happy New Year. We had a great Christmas and New Year, as I hope you did as well.

So I bet you are wondering what we have going on next....

Jan and Feb are going to be very busy months for us as we have a lot going on. Imagine that. Hehehe but when aren't we busy. We have a wonderful vacation planned, and I am taking down all my Xmas decor this weekend. I always like to leave it up till New Years. So now it is time to put it all away. A big job. But nice to get the house back in order as well I suppose.

I will also be planning a Baby Shower for my sister to welcome our new Nephew in to the world. So that will require alot of prep work and cleaning and organization and food and such ! Wish me luck. As I have no vacation time to take off of work. Due to I will use it all for my vacation. But I am sure I will get it all done, I always so, and I will have help.

My Hubby is still working on the basement, which seems to be for years..but hey... every little thing he does, it just one step closer to the end and I am looking forward to that alot and being able to use that great space down there. It will be sooo nice to have a whole extra level in our home of usable space ! Yippppy!

Its been a few months since I have been stamping with my girlfriends and I am missing that alot. However I suspect with the items on my plate. I wont be able to joing them again until March!

Well any plans for your New Year ? Anything that is a must do ? Anything you want done or hope to accomplish this year ? Tell me what is on your to do list the new few months.....

Best wishes to you all for 2010!!!!

Picture by Kara Kurt

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