Monday, August 9, 2010

New Flooooor !!!!!

So I have been just HATING our bathroom floor FOEVER!!! It came with the house when Jes bought it. Alot of our home started out builder basic , cheap junk. I think once the people who had the house in to the inside they couldnt afford anything. Since than we have spent time re-doing and upgrading alot of items. Here is what we had.
Here somehow we got these dumb stains on it and for the life of me we can not even figure out what it is... I have tired EVERYTHING to get them off.
So I had enough.... over the weekend we replaced the floor and now look at our bathroom. !!!!!!!! Yipppy... love my new floor and it matchs everything soooo nicely and it it makes it look bigger. Which surprised us both ! Thanks for my Hubby.. who is a total ...'''''do it yourselfer'''' kinda guy and can do most everything !!! ( which I am sooo thankful for) so we worked together and I love the outcome !!!
Below is a close up !
Ahhh 1 down and many more home improvement projects to go !!!

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