Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mn Update

Hello everyone... sitting here at my PC on a sunday night and its still 92 out and humid ! YIKES.. why cant we have just 75-80's and no humdity ! Ahh that was be sooo nice. I miss the fresh air and going to be with the windows open.

I am getting a nasty cold with a stuff head and a terrible soar throat ! I think I got this from my newphew. Now I just have to hope I dont get the pink eye that Aiden and Nate had. Grrrr.. I am sooo tired of feeling like crap.

This weekend and last were the first weekends in a LONG time that we have been home. Most weekend have been booked sold or outta town.. leaving little room for time to get projects or things done around the house. We painted our front living room one weekend and that was nice. A hot chocolate brown.. one of the 'in' colors, I guess.

My garden is only growing weeds, since I havent even been out there much at all this summer. Its just been tooo hot ! In the back of the yard I have some weeds to pick in a few of the flower gardens..but again tooo hot to do. The weeds can enjoy themselves. We arent outside anyway, and at the end of the work day I am tooo tired to out side and pick weeds in the 90+ degree day.
Hubby got a new job, so we will see how that goes. We pray for the best.

We got some brand new bar highstools for free and so we ran to slumberland and happen to find a great bar high tabel to match. So that is now in the basement as well. It will be sooo nice to family events and holidays with extra seating and a table to sit at !

I am also going to re-do the main floor bathroom this fall, with some paint we already have. So that will look great when I am done as well. But I am going to wait, just a bit before I start on that.

It is soooo nice to have the basement finished ! Now I just need a pendent light to put over the new table and I am good to go. So nice to have alll that extra square feet of useable space in the house !

Working for me is the same..busy busy busy ! Nothing to new there.

I think that is about it for us. just being spending time with friends and family !

I hope that you all have been having a GREAT SUMMMMER !!!

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