Thursday, September 6, 2007

Just a bit of Inspiration for you!

On an email I got this 'quote' and wanted to share it. I thought it was nice !
"God makes the impossible things possible, if you just have faith & believe in his power"
I have a story to share as well.
Last week my mom was having 30 fellow gardeners to visit her yard and pond. My Mom didn't know them. If you know my Mom, she wants every flower to look its best and everything in place in the yard. It is her pride and joy ! Anyhow, she has some not so nice, young kids that live behind her. Well ,they think it's fun to play in and around the pond. Much to my Mom's dis-may. She has told them to leave her things alone. But they never do. Well one morning she went out to the pond and all her yard decor was in the pond. Because of this they also put a whole in the liner of her pond. Big money, big time and a big project to fix. My mom was pissed. They have done it again. Now the pond would not hold water. She has no time to fix it before the big showing. She asked her self how could she ever show a pond that would not even hold the water. She could only get it to stay half full. As much as she tried to fill it all the time.
This was bad for the fish and the pumps and her water plants and the whole life of her pond this summer.
So what did she do ? She prayed. She asked God to do something to help her. To fix it. She prayed for a miracle. The next morning, the day of the tour she went out to the back yard. To see if the kids had done yet any more damage. Only to her surprise she found the pond full. It was holdings it own water. She hadn't fixed it. She hadn't put more water in. She knew right away what had happened. God had granted her wish. The pond was working and fully functional for her tour. The sad news it, the day after the tour, it was back down to only 1/2 the water. But this is a true, shocking story of how God works.
I know there is alot of dis-believers out there. I never thought something like this would work so fast and God would respond so quickly. But it is true!
So if you believe, have gone lost nothing. If you don't believe there can be nothing gained. The choice is your's.
Night all !

1 comment:

Bonita Rose said...

great story... God is a big God.. amen.