Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sending Love and Happiness on Thanksgiving!

Hello to all Friends and Family on this chilly morn of Thanksgiving day !

I hope this day finds you all well and happy and healthy. What are you thankful for on this day ? Ahh for Jes and I we have many things we are thankful for. Most of all our friends, family and loved ones including each other. I have to admit, as much as I am thankful for. I will miss my Grandparents and Parents most on this day. We will be spending the day with my in laws. Which is fine. But my Grandpa's years are numbered. So each year I am happy and blessed to share Holidays with him. He is sooo cute ! They have been such a huge part of my life. I enjoy spending time with them in their old age. It means alot. So I am sending love to my parents and grandparents today. As I will be thinking of them!

Wish you all full tummys and love and laughter !!!

1 comment:

MNScrapbookmom said...

Sorry I didn't get an e-mail out to you sooner. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving - you will have fun no matter where you are. :)¥