Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bad New for Our Family !

Hello All -

Well this is the week we have been waiting for. While we are both excited for our new adventure on our first cruise we got some sad news to share.

My Father was informed that he has Kidney failure. For those that don't know much about this. This is HUGE and will have a large impact on both of my parents, my father's job, that is if he can keep it, their life style, insurance and everything. Sad to report.... it will not be a good impact. My Dad will need to be added to the list for a transplant as well. They will go to class's to learn how to deal with this all and what their options are. It just breaks my heart. It also is a huge wake up call for me. I could be in the same place someday. My Father is 56 young. Not to old to be having all of the issues and complications that he has. He has heart dieses and diabetes. So sad !

If you could all please keep him and my Mother in your thoughts and your prayers as they go thru this difficult time and learn how to deal and how to cope with it all. I am so worried about them both !

My Father was also suppose to have a total ankle replacement due to his broken ankle that will not heal over a year later. He will no longer we able to have this done, due to his condition.
Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

MNScrapbookmom said...

I am very sorry to hear this sad news. My thoughts are with them, and you. ¥