Well it was another snowy day. But we went to Patio town to determine and get prices for our summer projects we will be tackling.
Okay so I have been feeling soo tired and getting alot of headaches again. So I try and do something fun to take my mind off things. So this snowy Sat. night I made some cards. Here they are......
These are a little bit different. I like to mix them up a bit. Here is an up close pic so you can kinda see the detail. Here is a pile of them I made !
This is my blog of general items, everything from life, jokes, tips, recipes, stamping and more. I am 35, happily married and living in Mn. Thanks for stopping by.Friends please feel free to leave a comment. I would love to hear from you.
My Man !
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1 comment:
WOW!!! These are beautiful cards. Sending you hugs and sweet thoughts that those darn headaches will leave. ¥
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