Tuesday, April 15, 2008



It is a Tuesday... and it is many other things...

- It is the last day for taxes to be in.
- Tonight if you look next to the moon and see a very bright star, that is Saturn and you can see it.
- Its a Birthday of a co-worker.
- Its bowling night for us.
- Its the warmest day of the year, thus far.
- Its finally sunny out.
- Its the first day I can go home with the sun roof open on my car.
- Its a stressful day, at least for me.
- But a happy day as far as weather goes.
- It's many more different things to many more different people.
- Its another day with my hubby and friends and family. Thankful for that.
- Its a weekday and not a fun weekend day that I like best.
- Its a school day.
- Its a work day.
- Its a longer day then yesterday, for the sun will shine on us a bit longer tonight.

Ahhh I could go on forever I guess. So could we all. But whatever your day is to you. However your day might be going. I hope it is a good one.

I hope everyone in Mn will enjoy the warmer temps.

1 comment:

MNScrapbookmom said...

Great post... Love ya girl...¥