Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hump day Update

Well.. it is hump day already.. Yippy. Just a few days left of this chilly week here in Mn.

As you can see from above.. My Hubby came home with these flowers for me yesterday. It was a nice surprise. He had stopped at his parents after work and my Father In Law sent these home with my hubby to give to me. The smell was wonderful and filled the house up. Plus they are nice to look at. I love fresh flowers.

Well we had a busy busy weekend and start of this week. Even though I had a few days off I am not feeling very rested at all. We spent the weekend at the lake finishing those many items we did not get done last weekend and even did some things we weren't planning on.
Then I came home and did some more work and chores.

But yesterday for the most part was a me day. My Girlfriend and I hit the shops on the look out for some annuals for me. It has been so cold here it is nearly June and I have not planned my normal annuals yet. We had a good time and stopped for lunch. It was sooo good to see one another and chit chat and spend some one on one time. Our lives sometimes get sooo busy we often don't take time for us. So it was a great day.Then later that night I got some planting done. My hope is to get some more planting done tonight. Before the rain moves in for the rest of the week.

I hope all of you are doing well and had a safe weekend.

My prayers go out to the people of Hugo, Mn that where affected terribly by the tornado.

Here is some iris's as well. Aren't they soooo pretty !

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