Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Mom Loves me.......

Well today was a good and bad day all mixed in together.....

Starting Sunday night.. or rather Monday at 4am.. I got up and started in..in doing what ? vomiting. My acid reflux has taken a BIG turn for the worse.
So this morning.. I got up to the same thing..but it was worst then before. This was really starting to take its toll on me. So I got up extra early knowing I was going to have to take it slow going when getting ready for work. It was not easy and by the time I got to hwy 94 I nearly turned the car around to go back home..But I told myself I would go to work and see what I could do.. I have emails piling up and meetings to attend.

Anyhow.. my mom knew I was not feeling well... so I made it thru the day of work... later I went to Moms and she gave me a full body message in order to help me feel better. WOW did I need that...

But when I got there she had some nice surprises for me....
Alllllllll of these flowers she had bought me....

Look at this cute little guy close up..........
Here are some of the others
Here is a bush I was looking for and with bright flowers that will bloom.
She also found this cute tree for me as a steal at a local garage sale.

Allllllthough my tummy is still a little upset.... MOM sures knows how make someone feel better.

Thank Mom..Love ya

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