Monday, October 22, 2007

Creativity in the Home !!

Something to share...................

With the help of the construction of this by my husband. I made this valance for our bedroom. I also have one in my kitchen, over the patio door. But this one I changed it up a bit. I bought and stained and polyed custom wood trim and applied it to the valance to give it that extra detail. I really liked how it turned out. So creativity for me. Is not just with paper and ink. It also comes thru in our home and my decorating and such. Plus its nice to have something custom. No one else has one like it. Below is the before pic.

Here is a close up of the valance.

Here is the after pic of the window with the nice new valance. Thanks to my Hubby for his part and putting it up for me as well. Great things we can accomplish together.

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