Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Need some SUNNNNNNN!!!!!!

Well -

I need sun, sun, sun, sun, sun, sun pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I am not sure about some of you, but I am really getting tired of all these glummy dark clouds and rain here in Mn. We prayed for rain this summer when our yards where fried by the hot summer sun.
While a nice rain is good from time to time. It keeps my flowers blooming and grass green. When it goes on for days and days at a time. It is well, a little rather depressing. I have to admit. I am sure many of you are thinking the same thing. When will this rain ever stop. Soon I hope. How the forecast doesn't seem to reflect my wishes in that department.

Fall is here and soon will be winter. We have a TO-DO list a mile long and I am hoping we can really make a huge dent in it. Every year(winter) we have such good intentions. But that is all they ever are.. is intentions. This year they will be done. I think it makes a person feel better when they have accomplished items they wish and want to get done. As well as giving you self worth and a sense of accomplishment as well. The work is not always fun. But in my experience the pay off is usually always worth it.

So friends and family... please do be surprised if we are calling in some favors, or pay backs for help we have already offered to you. We could really use and love the support and helping hand. Don't also be shocked if we are home alot trying to get things done. Its nothing personal. Just time to make a difference.

Jes and I seem to be pleasers and always putting our home, our projects, our needs on the back burner to help other or go to other activities and such. As a result nothing happens and things that are our dreams and our ideas and our goals are going unaccomplished. So we are going to change gears a bit and meet some of our needs first.

Along the road of life, you learn many things, experience many things. As well as learning who cares, who uses, who is a friend, who maybe isn't as good as your idea of them was. Who will lend a hand and who won't. Who understands, who doesn't. Who judges, who only see's their side of things. Etc. Try and remember each day. Everyone is in a different spot in life, has different things happening whether they are good or bad, busy or bored. Has different view points and different priorities and different beliefs, different passions and different loves. Hopefully we can respect that and live together and be respectful of all those different things in each and everyone we know and be friend and love.

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