Monday, May 12, 2008

Mothers Day was a BIG HIT at my house!

Mothers Day was a hit at our home this year. All of the Mothers and GrandMothers had a wonderful day. I was soo glad to hear it. Because it was a special day just for them. I hope you all had a wonderful Mothers day as well. I worked very hard to get the house clean and all of the Food prepped and gifts ready and it was a good day.

Here is a some flowers. I don't know the name of these. But I just love these.

Mom and one of her gifts from me and my Hubby. My Mother and Grandma in Law
More flowers we had !!!!!!!!!!!My Grandma!!!!
Here is a group pic. 2 Mom's and some of their kids. My sis's Mother in law was invited as well. We where glad to have her.

Tonight I did all the clean up. It took me a while and my back is in pain. But it was worth it all in the end. Everyone can't quit talking about it. I got home to calls tonight again in Thanks. It was also fun to show the family all we had done in our home.

1 comment:

MNScrapbookmom said...

WOW... You truly went all out Ang.. Your a great hostess, and it sounds like everyone had a lovely time. Love all the photos... These photos would make a great mini-book. ¥